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You are here » IndoWest RP » In Character » Character Story » Zetta_Wisher


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       In a village there is a family who has a child named Zetta Wisher, Zetta Wisher was born on August 17, 1978 in Vinewood. Zetta is a child from an ordinary family, neither rich nor poor. Given that Zetta's age is an adult, her father also suggests that Zetta immediately find a job. Zetta agreed with his father and immediately looked for a job, his first job was to be a package delivery driver on a Sanchez motorbike, which he still had to rent. After collecting a little money, Zetta decided to buy a Sanchez Motor to continue his work as an International Courier.

          Zetta plans to become a successful person with her temporary job, she continues to save and save in order to achieve her goal of buying a house for her wife and children later and she doesn't forget to give money to her parents. The next day Zetta worked even harder and continued to work hard to get rich faster, but it was still not enough to buy such an expensive house. The time has come for Zetta to think about finding a job that is very useful for others but still makes quite a lot of money and decides to become a police officer.

            The next day Zetta also applied for a job as a police officer, came home from applying, Zetta decided to go home, meet her parents asking for prayers to be accepted as a police officer. While waiting for the results of her application, Zetta continues to work hard as usual, she is never lazy, let alone complains. Zetta wasn't sure that his application would be accepted or not, because he remembered that he was only a Package Courier. For a long time waiting for the results, Zetta was shocked and cried happily because she was accepted as a police officer and started a new day with a new job, Zetta also met her lover while working as a doctor. A few months later Zetta bought a house and it was magnificent and married.

Last edited by zetta (2021-09-20 01:10:29)



Paragraf awal itu kasih 7 spasi, dan jangan lupa taruh foto di CS mu



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